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02. februar 2025 kl. 15

Jazzarifics & Jensina Olsen

Where: Forhøllin
Duration: 45 min

Jazzarifics is a band from the music school in Vágar that plays jazz and works with improvisation. The band started with a collaboration between the Music School and Improbasen from Oslo. The musicians are between 10 and 14 years old and have played together for two years. They play songs by, among others, Sonny Rollins, Clifford Brown, Duke Ellington, and others.

Jasmin Magnusdóttir á Stongunum (saxophone), Rebekka á Borg Holgarsdóttir (cornet), Natalia á Høgabóli (clarinet), Ólavur Kristian Ragnarson (bass), Josva Neilson (piano)

Jensina Olsen (vocals, guitar)

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