NorReg (Nordic Regenerative Tourism)
Hvat er Regenerativ Ferðavinna?
COVID-19-farsóttin avdúkaði veikleikar í ferðavinnuni og hennara tættu bond til samfeløg, umhvørvið og uttanífrá umstøður. Hetta førdi til eina áheitan um at broyta sjónarhorn, har ferðavinnan skuldi taka eina týdningarmikla leiklut í samanhanginum millum samfelagið og náttúruna. Hóast hendan áheitanin er minkað nakað, sum vinnan reisir seg aftur, síggja nógvir áhugapartar nú týdningin av at taka eina nýggja tilgongd og heildaríviðurskiftum fyri eydnuna.
“Eg føli, at vit eru partur av onkrum stórum og týdningarmiklum fyri framtíðar menning av ferðavinnuni í Norðuratlantshavi.
At menna amboð til regenerativa ferðavinnu er sera týdningarmikið, og fyri at kunna taka lokalsamfelagið við og royna amboðini, hava vit brúk fyri meiri tíð, minst 2-3 ár.”
Virkiseigari, Føroyar
Hugtakið “regenerativ ferðavinna” hevur vunnið fram í hesi samrøðuni og gevur møguleikar fyri týdningarmiklari menning og luttøku. Tað setur fokus á lokalsamfelagið, arbeiðir fyri at styrkja vinnuluttakarar, og nýtir eina samanhangandi tilgongd, har allir áhugapartar geva sítt íkast og ávirka úrslitini.
Í rørsluni fyri regenerativa ferðavinnu eru staðbundnar loysnir av alstórum týdningi. “Ein stødd passar øllum”-hugsanin verður vrakað til frama fyri tillagaðar tilgongdir til hvørt øki og einstøk virki. Hendan háttur eggjar til støðuga samrøðu millum regenerativar áhugapartar fyri at deila vitan og royndir. Hóast alheimsloysnir og amboð ikki eru vanlig, er ein felags roynd at byggja eina felags vitanargrund og tilfeingi, og á hendan hátt styrkja hvørjum virki í teirra íkasti til sítt samfelag og umhvørvið.
Les 2022 frágreiðingina her.
Nordic Regenerative Tourism
The Nordic region is an ideal platform for regenerative tourism, addressing specific needs and challenges of sparsely populated areas and numerous micro-sized enterprises.
The NorReg 2022 pilot project, derived from a three-year plan, aimed to:
- develop and test tools for small and micro enterprises (SMiEs) in Nordic countries
- empower regional organizations with vision, training, and practical, place-based initiatives
- build a community committed to regenerative tourism.
The project fostered a shared vision of regenerative tourism and served as a testing ground for initiatives benefiting SMiEs. It also united Nordic academics to explore and evaluate the concept’s impact on community well-being and environmental harmony.
“Make awareness about regenerative tourism so that we all know the
Business owner II, Faroe Islands
importance of our choices. We need tools so we can make incoming
agents, suppliers, and customers, aware of the option to choose a
product that involves regenerative tourism.”
Funded by the Nordic Council of Ministers through the Icelandic Ministry of Culture and Business Affairs, and led by the Icelandic Tourism Cluster, the project included five regions across Nordic countries. Each regional organization recruited up to three SMiEs as participants. Activities were conducted mainly through virtual meetings and workshops, with common platforms like Facebook and Google, and an introductory website. In November, a seminar in Malmö, Sweden, allowed many participants to meet face-to-face for the first time.
The NorReg 2025 Event Calendar
The NorReg partnership has put together an agenda aimed at highlighting their work and introducing their core concepts and initiatives to everyone who wants to know more about Nordic Regenerative Tourism.
All events are free for members, so sign up now!
Tordis K. á Rógvi Biskopstø
For more info, contact the expert
Curious about NorReg or other projects in the works? Have specific questions or need more information? Feel free to reach out to our dedicated expert, Tordis, who oversees our destination development on a larger scale. She will be happy to provide you with insights and guidance.
Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. We’re here to help!